June 05, 2003

Within three years, companies could be using quantum cryptography to protect sensitive messages. British researchers say they are close to producing an off-the-shelf system that exploits quantum physics to create a secure communications channel. The system encodes bits of information on individual particles of light. This week, the researchers demonstrated their system working over fibres 100 kilometres in length. [BBC]

June 04, 2003

Quite frankly, I found it mostly interesting in a Jerry Springer kind of way. White trash battling it out in public, throwing chairs at each other. SCO crying about IBM's other women ...
- Linus Torvalds on SCO vs. IBM lawsuit.

Hehehe Jerry Springer... :)

June 03, 2003

Just Soft
The tale of Soft and Microsoft is the tale of David and Goliath. UK-based Hermann Chinnery-Hesse was on holiday in his home country of Ghana when he accepted a school friend's bet to try to make his fortune in West Africa. Starting with a battered old personal computer in his bedroom, Mr Hesse developed Ghana's own software firm which, for the moment at least, is holding Microsoft at bay.
"No, no, we only use Soft," says the hotel receptionist where I am staying, when I ask if they use Microsoft. The shops around Accra say the same. "We're taking it industry by industry," Mr Hesse says, who has already designed e-SuSu software for microfinance projects and the Ndua system for Ghana's timber industry.